The Fog of War – The First World War in the Gulf of Finland
In their book The Fog of War – The First World War in the Gulf of Finland, research divers Juha Flinkman and Jouni Polkko recount the events that took place in the Baltic Sea region during the First World War, and the stories of warships and merchant ships that ended up at the bottom of the sea.
The narrative unfolds on two levels, with events that occurred a hundred years apart running in parallel. The first level of narration is the unravelling of dramatic wartime events based on archived data, which Flinkman and Polkko have studied assiduously. The second level consists of the Badewanne dive team’s underwater expeditions to the wrecks lying at the depths of the sea.
Magnificent underwater photography unveils the mysteries of the wrecks lying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, while historic events dating back to the First World War are brought to life with archived photos of ships, submarines and people.
”All that history is unfolding beneath us, waiting for us to return with our cameras. In the darkness of the sea, the remnants of battles fought long ago have remained untouched, just waiting for a chance to tell their story.”
About the writers:
JUHA ”ROOPE” FLINKMAN, PhD, is a marine biologist, mixed gas diver and scientific diver. Previously a zooplankton re- searcher at the Finnish Institute of Marine Research, he has worked for the past 15 years as a development manager at the Finnish Environment Institute’s (SYKE) Marine Research Centre, with the main task of managing and developing marine research methodology and technology related to research vessels. He has been responsible for scientific diving and related development projects at the University of Helsinki’s Tvärminne Zoological Station, the Finnish Institute of Marine Research, and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). He has been diving for about 40 years.
JOUNI POLKKO, MSc (Tech.), has worked at the Finnish Meteorological Institute as a researcher in planetary and space research projects for more than 30 years. He has participated in the design, construction, testing and scientific operation of space instruments in international research projects, such as NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity and M2020 Perseverance rovers on Mars, and the Cubesat nanosatellite projects. He has been involved in diving and underwater shipwreck exploration for more than 35 years and is also a scientific diver, in addition to being an expert in mixed gas and closed-circuit diving equipment.
Size: 250 x 250 mm
Pages: 320. Includes approx 200 photos.
Themes: First World War, Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, Finland, submarines, warships, mine, torpedo, diving, wrecks, underwater photography
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